Category: words
Chat with Thibz
“Wanting to meet an author because you like his work is like wanting to meet a duck because you like pâté.” Tell us one thing about yourself I didn’t grow up, I tumbled up. What were you like at school? I was naughty – an attention seeker. A primary school teacher called me a busy…
This Perfect Day | pt. two
I’m awoken by the static on a radio coupled with the bellowing of a car engine that sounds like it’s pulling something heavy. Outside, it’s dark, awkwardly so. The clouds are thick and eerily low that I hunch, slightly, just to feel safe. It’s raining softly and there are a couple of search lights peering…
This Perfect Day | pt. one
I find myself walking in the covered parking of a mall towards a popular department store. It is hot. I know this because my feet and fingers are swollen and throbbing. I deliberate which city I am in until I see the parking pay station and rates. I am in Bloemfontein. As I meander the…
… And Then I Kissed Her (II)
read part one here “You disappeared, ” her voice quivered. “You fucking disappeared and left me to deal with everything again.” By everything she was referring to the fact that I left without a trace during a surprise birthday party she threw for me on the eve of our trip to Prague. See, the problem with…
I am trying
I am trying to understand how over 200 souls can be bought and sold, sloshed then moulded. Their emotions mutilated! I am trying to understand the origins of your cruelty, how their cry can be a song of fulfilment in you. I am trying your cruelty as I see them with blood dripping dripping down…