Category: words
Blackberryphilia (2010)… pt. 1
It was only after thirty seconds that I realised I may have lost Calisto for good. I don’t know why this came to mind because the darn device took a good twenty-one and a half minutes for it to reboot; but in those thirty seconds as I held the power button down, I remembered…
BERLIN (Melville, JHB)
No, not the place where JFK proudly proclaimed he was a jelly doughnut (remember his “Ich bin ein Berliner!” speech?), the other place that was on 7th street Melville, cramped right between Stripes on 7th and The Loft. The blue, white and red sign enticingly glowing, welcoming you with promise that you had found the right…
She’s of Many Colours
It goes up in white clouds Grouped individual but one Every pat-pat against the face Blows as powder And shows as flower She winces when it blows her Its function is to hold her When in public from the unknowing Who would otherwise console her She dabs down on brown And slides it over evenly…