Category: words
Too Late
Alas I’m here but you… You fingertip out of my arm’s reach I try and speak but My voice too weak Against the protest of the tick-tock’s Screech You stand apart from I Too distant to hear my defeated sigh But we’re close enough that For whatever wind that throws me, Frisks you the same…
Destitute Illusions
Him: Are you hungry? Her: No, I had something to eat. So go ahead, I’ll just have a smoke. Him: Should you be smoking after what happened? Her: No, but I’ve been doing so anyway. This is funny. Him: What is? Her: This whole situation, you know… Him: No I don’t, tell me. Her: This…
rue, Oct 31st 2009
The morning light slithered into my half open eyes – you were one of the people that found it rather amusing that I actually slept with my eyes semi-open. I shut them, rolled them around a couple of times then opened them to find the September 2009 Playmate glaring down at me with a wink…
The “Please Call Me”
– the most helpful thing since, well, before they were created. Depending on the circles you run in, a “Please Call Me” or “call-back” or PCM is a free service you dial. Sends a short message to your recipient that requires the recipient to do as its name suggests: call the sender! If you are…
The “Café”
South Africa is one of the few countries with a directional name, yet I still meet the odd person who dares to ask where “South Africa” is— and of so many exciting things that I’ll leave you to Google later. My favourite thing about the country is how one can go to any of its…
Love’s Eternal Waltz
The funny thing is that it always starts the same. It feels like something new, a re-awakening of the soul, really. You tell people that you’ve never felt like this before or even that this one is different, but the truth is you have felt like that before – just with a different person –…